The weather is quite nice for November, the evenings are cool to cold, but the sunshine during the day makes up for it. We have had very little rain and expect it will come soon, they say fall and winter are the rainy season, we will see.
I took some pictures of the trees here in Lawton and below is one of them, we took this one when we were running around in our van trying to find a hookup for our used dryer. The plug does not fit the wall socket, we bought a replacement plug but being novice electricians are unsure if we should attempt to change it over. In the mean time we are resorting to using our back patio. Oh didn't I tell anyone about our patio.
Off of our kitchen / dinette area is a door leading outside to the patio, which is a cemeted area the size of a small entry way. It is paved with cement and surrounded by a 7 ft wooden fence. I don't know if it is to keep us in or the neighbors from looking over to see what we are doing, they have the same size patio. We have a gate entry from the sidewalk running around the back to the other apartment, the gate is so we can take trash out instead of hauling it through the house.
Getting back to the laundry, we decided since it is so warm in the daytime, we can hang up our small amount of laundry on a weekly basis and thus save any costs of drying. This is starting to be a routine for me, washing and hanging out the clothes, then folding them and putting them away. Of course this means I do have to iron white shirts, they do wrinkle if you hang them up. The dry cleaning is easy, we have a cleaner pick up right close to our home, so suits and dresses are done on a monthly basis or as needed.
Oh, by the way, we thought you would enjoy the following picture. We have experienced several changes in the gas prices since coming to Oklahoma, but we know that anyone still paying high prices may not appreciate this one.
The price is now down to 1.97 at this store which is just up the street from our apartment.
By golly I think we have that problem solved, now where can I improve next?